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Minimize Winter Losses to Your Business


Every year businesses are hit with the harsh reality of winter and worry of heavy snowfall, icy driveways and power outages from the region's inevitable nor'easters, snow storms and potenially blizzards.  While we cannot control the weather, business owners can reduce the risk of damage by following a few steps related to heating, plumbing and facility maintenance.  These steps can minimize future financial burdens that may result with winter related losses.

Plumbing & Heating

*If possible, invest in a generator as a backup in case there is a power outage

*Maintain an adequate temperature(min 55 degrees) when away from your premises, or have a plumber properly drain the pipes if your business is closed during the winter months.

*Have a plumbing contractor inspect and properly insulate pipes

*Install a temperature alarm that notifies you if the temperature drops below a certain level.

*Have heating equipment inspected/cleaned annually by a licensed technician

Slip and Fall-Parking Lot Issues

*Keep parking lots clear of ice and snow-salt/sand when necessary

*If you have a metal roof, post caution signs for falling ice/snow on the side of the building

*Install slip resistant mats in front of entrances and post caution signs for wet floors when necessary

*Obtain "Certificates of Insurance" from all snow plowing contractors and ask they name you as "Additionally Insured"

Collapse and Water/Ice Damage

*Shovel roofs, decks and porches after each storm